AutoDesk Maya 2012 (Ubuntu 10.04)

I was trying to install Maya 2012 in Ubuntu 10.04 .There where lots of errors but I fixed it . I thought of sharing the way I have done.

Maya Hotfix 1 Link
Crack Link

1 : make sure you have rpm2cpio installed else install from software center or apt-get install rpm2cpio
2 : cd to your maya source folder
3 : rpm2cpio Maya2012_0_64-2012.0-235.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmvu
4 : rpm2cpio adlmapps4-4.0.35-0.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmvu
5 : rpm2cpio adlmflexnetclient-4.0.35-0.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmvu
6 : rpm2cpio adlmflexnetserver-4.0.35-0.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmvu
7 : cp -R opt/* /opt
8 : cp -R usr/* /usr/
9 : cp -R var/* /var/
10 : sh -c “echo ‘setenv LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8’ >> /usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/bin/maya2012”
11 : /usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/bin/licensechooser /usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/ standalone unlimited
12 : cp /tmp/autodesk_maya_2012_hotfix1_linux_64bit/ /usr/lib
13 : cp /tmp/autodesk_maya_2012_hotfix1_linux_64bit/ /usr/lib
14 : /usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/bin/adlmreg -i S 657D1 657C1 2012.0.0.F 666-42943644 /var/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/Maya2012/MayaConfig.pit

15 : cd /tmp/crack
16 : ./crack2012
17 : cd /usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/bin
18 : ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
19 : export MAYA_LOCATION=/usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/
20 : cp /usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/lib/ /usr/lib
21 : cp /usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/lib/ /usr/lib
22 : ./adlmreg -u N 657D1 2012.0.0.F
23 : cd /tmp/autodesk_maya_2012_hotfix1_linux_64bit
24 : ./setup
25 : After opening this use this key in the setup window
serial :666-42943644
product key :657D1
Then next , then it will fail with rpm error never mind that error just give continue . Then finish
26 : cd /usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64/bin
27 : ./maya2012

If anyone want help to install DDM or Craft Tools then let me know 🙂

NB : I am not supporting cracking any software , If you like the software please buy it and support the developers .

    • silens
    • September 9th, 2011 10:09pm

    Jonathan, try to install alien and execute ./setup again.

    • Ote
    • September 28th, 2011 7:15pm

    I manage to get through every step except that I get this message when executing step 16 :
    # ./crack2012
    mv: impossible d’évaluer «/usr/autodesk/Composite_2012/lib/»: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
    cp: impossible de créer le fichier standard «/usr/autodesk/Composite_2012/lib/»: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
    mv: impossible d’évaluer «/usr/autodesk/matchmover2012-x64/»: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
    cp: impossible de créer le fichier standard «/usr/autodesk/matchmover2012-x64/»: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

    and step 22 :
    # ./adlmreg -u N 657D1 2012.0.0.F
    Unregistration Failed. Reasons: 16

    now when I try step 27 :
    # ./maya2012
    /usr/autodesk/maya2012-x64//bin/maya.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    I’ve tried :
    ln -s ‘/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/′ /usr/lib/
    ln -sl /usr/lib32/
    but still get the same error message when trying to launch maya…

    any idea ?

    • Ote
    • September 28th, 2011 7:48pm

    I finally get rid of the error with :
    ln -s /usr/lib64/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/

    but now I’ve got the licence was not obtained error….

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