Installing OpenOffice in Ubuntu 11+

The latest version of Ubuntu is equipped with Libre office instead of Open office, but users habited with open Office could find difficulties with LibreOffice. Here is the instructions to get rid of Libre and go back to Open office in the latest version of Ubuntu.
1: Make sure that you do not have any broken openoffice left in your system

sudo apt-get purge*
sudo apt-get purge*

2 : Then remove libreoffice office from the system.

sudo apt-get remove –purge libreoffice-core
3 : Then we need the latest version of openoffice. Download
4: In my case I’ve downloaded the .tar file to /tmp/down/OOo_3.3.0_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz

5: Then you need to untar this by ‘right click’ and ‘extract here’ or using the below command
tar xvzf OOo_3.3.0_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz
6 : After that you need to ‘cd’ to openoffice folder.
cd /tmp/down/OOO330_m12_native_packed-1_en-US.9483/DEBS
(Please note that the folder name may change according to the version.)

7: Run the below command to install openoffice
dpkg -i *.deb
9: Now we need to install menus and desktop shortcuts.
cd /tmp/down/OOO330_m12_native_packed-1_en-US.9483/DEBS/desktop-integration
dpkg -i *.deb
Its done and now you are ready to use Open Office in your ubuntu.

*PLEASE NOTE: You are about go for manual installation with OpenOffice and your updates maybe wont work.

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